Coming Home Network International


Coming Home Network International

A network of inquirers, converts, and reverts to the Catholic Church, as well as life-long Catholics, all on a journey of continual conversion to Jesus Christ.

About the Coming Home Network International

The CHNetwork began in 1993 out of the seemingly isolated experiences of Marcus and Marilyn Grodi and several other Protestant clergy and their spouses. Upon leaving their pastorates to enter the Catholic Church, these clergy and their families discovered with surprise that there were many others being drawn by the Spirit to take the same journey “home.”

To help bring these inquirers and converts together, we started the CHNewsletter and scheduled gatherings and retreats. The fellowship grew and now every week the Lord adds new members as clergy and laity from other traditions seek assistance and encouragement as they contemplate coming home to the Catholic Church.

The CHNetwork has been featured on EWTN television and radio as well as in national publications such as Our Sunday Visitor, The National Catholic Register, Christianity Today, This Rock, Lay Witness, and The Catholic Answer.

We have also received great encouragement from such Church leaders as Francis Eugene Cardinal George, Raymond Cardinal Burke, Bishop Robert J. Baker, Mother Angelica of EWTN, Karl Keating of Catholic Answers, Patrick Madrid, Dr. Thomas Howard, Dr. Scott Hahn, and Fr. Michael Scanlan, former President and Chancellor of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.


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