Science, God and Creation – Fr. Robert Spitzer


MAGIS – Shining Light on Transcendence and Eternity

“Magis” (pronounced mah-jis) in Latin means “more.” In some contexts it can mean “the even more” – the furthest frontier – frontiers of reason, knowledge, the universe, and reality itself.

Our Mission: To explore and share the close connection between reason and faith as revealed by new discoveries in physics and philosophy.

MCRF’S GOAL: To bring to light all current developments in faith and reason through multiple vehicles of communication, such as, new media, on-line lecture series and college courses, documentaries, high school curricula, adult ed programs, videocasts, podcasts, books, articles, fact sheets, and on-line encyclopedias.

Is There Really Evidence for God from Physics?

In the last ten to fifteen years, implications of transcendence in physics, philosophy of mathematics, and metaphysics have become more pronounced. Indeed, no other decade in history has revealed more or better evidence for God.

Science, God and Creation – Fr. Robert Spitzer – Robert Spitzer gives scientific evidence for the existence of God. Buy Spitzer’s book New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy:



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