The Overpopulation Myth


As you may have noticed, much has been said in the media about the so-called problem of world overpopulation. But this is a myth.

The running joke is that when at some high rise cocktail party, a leading socialite complained that there were too many people in the world.
To which he received the answer, ‘OK, why don’t you do your part and jump out of the window!’

As is always the case, the real question to ask is who are the real benefactors from the efforts to reduce world population.

The following short video clip debunks the myth of overpopulation.

Over Population is a Myth

Most people think that the world is overpopulated. Is this true or is it far from the truth? Science behind the idea that it is looks to be outdated and false. Many scientists have long ago debunked this idea, showing that the human race is in no danger of overpopulating the planet, and in fact is facing a demographic collapse. So why do the vast majority of people worry that there are too many of us?

For more information, please see,


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