The Holy Rosary- Prayer & Spiritual Weapon


The Holy Rosary: A Prayer For Dark Times

Before the Day of the Lord, the devil will have his hour. Heaven pleads with us below to pray the Holy Rosary during that dark hour. Each bead of the Holy Rosary is like a star that, along with the Morning Star, Our Lady, lights up the darkest night. The Holy Rosary is a scourge that beats back our enemies, filled with small stones that knock down any Goliath. But the Holy Rosary is not just essential equipment for dark times, but also a sure means of ushering in a certain age of peace. Each bead is like a seed that is planted which will bring forth, one day, beautiful roses and pure lilies. An example of the Holy Rosary getting us through dark times and bringing in a time of restoration is seen in the story of Our Lady of Pompeii and Blessed Bartolo Longo.

Sermon – The Holy Rosary: A Prayer For Dark Times – Oct 04 2015

Regina Prophetarum
Traditional Sermons for Traditional Catholics


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