From the Catholic Bishops Conference of Japan website




1543 Sept. Portuguese land on Tanegashima Island.
1547 Dec. Jesuit Francis Xavier meets a Japanese named Yajiro in Malacca.
1549 Aug.15 Xavier lands in Kagoshima.
Sept.29 Xavier meets Shimazu Takahisa at Ijuin and receives permission to preach Christianity.
1550 Xavier translates the Catechism and the “Explanation of the Creed”. Xavier travels with Br. J. Fernandez to Kyoto by way of Sakai (Winter 1550-51).
Failing to have an audience with the Emperor (Tenno), they return to Hirado.
1551 Spring Xavier goes to Yamaguchi with Br. Fernandez and the Japanese layman Bernard and presents a personal letter from the Portuguese governor and a bishop to the local feudal lord [daimyo] and receives permission to evangelize. Some 500 receive baptism in a two-month period.
Nov.15 Xavier leaves for India with an envoy from Otomo Yoshishige, lord of Bungo.
1552 Apr.17 Otomo’s envoy returns to Bungo.
Dec.3 Xavier dies on Sancian Island off the coast of China.
1553 The Japanese layman Bernard admitted to the Jesuit novitiate in Portugal.
1556 Spring Japanese brother Lorenzo visits Hieizan [a Buddhist monastery in Kyoto] to prepare the way for preaching Christianity in Kyoto.
Jul. Fr. G. Vilela and companions arrive in Japan at Funai [Oita].
1557 Br. Luis d’Almeida opens the first hospital in Japan at Funai.
1558 Vilela forced to leave Hirado.
1559 Nov. Vilela and Br. Lorenzo open a church at Shijo in Kyoto.
1560 Jan. Vilela has an audience with Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru and receives permission to preach Christianity.
1563 May 20 Omura Sumitada of Hizen baptized as the first Christian daimyo.
Jul.6 Portuguese ship enters Yokoseura Bay, Nagasaki, bringing Fr. Luis Frois. About this time, Yamada Sozaemon, Takayama (lord of Hida), Yuki (lord of Yamashiro), Kiyohara Geki and others are baptized.
1565 Jun.17 Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru, protector of the missionaries, assassinated. Matsunaga Hisahide promulgates their banishment.
1569 First church in Nagasaki opened.
1570 Jul. Jesuits assemble at Shiki, Amakusa, and choose Fr. F. Cabral as mission superior. Christians in Japan number 20,000 – 30,000 at this time.
1576 Aug.15 The large church of the Assumption [“Namban-dera”] dedicated in Kyoto.
1578 Aug.28 Otomo Yoshishige, retired lord of Bungo (and known as Sorin since becoming a Buddhist lay monk in 1562), converted.
1579 Jul.25 Fr. A. Valignano arrives in Japan as official visitor.
1580 Seminary built in Azuchi with Fr. G. Organtino as rector.
1582 Feb.20 Delegation of four young envoys representing three Christian Daimyo of Kyushu sets out for Europe [Tensho Shonen Shisetsu].
1585 Mar.23 Pope Gregory XIII receives the young envoys in audience.
1587 Jul.24 Toyotomi Hideyoshi issues the edict forbidding Christianity and orders all missionaries to leave Japan. Takayama Ukon deprived of fief and status.
1588 Apr. Hideyoshi takes direct control of Nagasaki, and confiscates church property.
1591 Mar.3 Valignano and the four recently returned envoys have an audience with Hideyoshi.
1593 Aug.27 Franciscan Fr. Pedro Bautista arrives in Japan, and is given an audience by Hideyoshi.
1596 Aug.14 Japan’s first bishop, P. Martinez, arrives in Nagasaki.
Nov. “San Felipe” Incident. Hideyoshi sentences to death 24 Christians on a list of Kyoto Christians drawn up by Ishida Mitsunari.
1597 Feb.5 26 Christians martyred at Nishizaka in Nagasaki.
1601 Mar. Valignano begins writing his “History of the Church in Japan”.
Sept.21 Sebastian Kimura and Luis Niabara ordained in Nagasaki as Japan’s first native priests.
1602 Augustinians and Dominicans arrive in Japan.
1612 Apr. Tokugawa government outlaws Christianity in the district immediately under its control. Martyrdoms begin in Edo.
1613 Oct.28 Date Masamune (Sendai) sends Hasekura Tsunenaga and companions as envoys to Europe. Christians in Japan number about 220,000.
1614 Apr. Great Easter procession through the streets of Nagasaki.
Nov. Takayama Ukon banished to the Philippines.
All churches in Kyoto and Nagasaki destroyed.
1615 Nov.3 Hasekura delegation received in audience by Pope Paul V in Rome.
1620 Sept.22 Hasekura delegation returns to Japan.
1622 Sept.10 55 Christians (priests and laity) martyred in Nagasaki (The Great Genna Martyrdom).
1623 Dec.4 Franciscans and other Christians martyred in Edo.
1626 Frs. Pacheco (Jesuit Provincial), B. Torres and others martyred in Nagasaki.
1629 Introduction of the “fumie” (forced trampling of Christian images).
1637 Dec.11 Shimabara Uprising: insurrection of Christians and peasants in Shimabara and Amakusa (Hara castle falls AApr. 12, 1638).
1642 Aug. Jesuit Fr. A. Rubino and companions captured soon after arrival in Japan.
1643 Mar. Fr. Rubino and companions martyred in Nagasaki.
1646 Villa of Inoue Masashige (ex-Christian now holding post of inquisitor) in Kobinata, Edo, made into a prison for missionaries [Kirishitan Yashiki].
1708 Oct.11 Jesuit Fr. G. Sidotti captured on arrival on Yakushima Island, Kagoshima.
1714 Nov.27 Fr. Sidotti martyred at the Kobinata prison.
1790 Sept.1 First Urakami Persecution [Kuzure]: Christians in hiding in Urakami, Nagasaki, discovered and arrested.
1797 Christians hiding in Nishi Sonogi, Nagasaki, flee to Goto Islands.
1839 Second Urakami Persecution.
1844 May 4 Paris Foreign Missioner Fr. T. Forcade and Chinese catechist Augustine Ko arrive in Naha, Ryukyu Kingdom, to prepare for evangelization in Japan.
1846 Mar.26 Fr. Forcade appointed first vicar apostolic of Japan.
May 1 Vicariate apostolic of Japan established.
1852 Fr. C. Collin made second vicar apostolic of Japan.
1855 Mar.2 Paris Foreign Missioners Frs. P. Girard, L. Furet, and E. Mermet de Cachon arrive in Naha. Fr. Furet visits Hirado and Nagasaki but is refused permission to land. He returns to Hong Kong.
1856 Third Urakami Persecution: 80 Christians of Urakami interned.
Oct. Frs. L. Furet and P. Mounicou arrive again in Naha.
1858 Feb.12 Nagasaki commissioner [bugyo] announces discontinuation of “fumie” practice.
Oct.25 Fr. Girard appointed vice-vicar apostolic of Japan.
Freedom of religion of foreigners recognized by the government and permission given to construct churches within the restricted areas for foreign residents.
1859 Aug.10 Fr. Girard returns to Japan as chaplain to the French consulate.
Aug.11 Fr. Mermet de Cachon arrives in Hakodate.
1862 Jan.12 Fr. Girard builds a church in Yokohama.
Jun.8 The 26 Martyrs of Nagasaki canonized in Rome.
1863 Jul. Paris Foreign Missioners Frs. B. Petitjean and L. Furet arrive in Nagasaki.
1865 Feb.19 Construction of Oura Church in Nagasaki completed.
Mar.17 Descendants of old Catholics meet Fr. Petitjean at Oura.
1866 Oct.21 Fr. Petitjean ordained bishop in Hong Kong, and appointed third vicar apostolic.
1867 Jul.7 205 Japanese Martyrs beatified in Rome.
Jul.15 Fourth Urakami Persecution: Nagasaki commissioner imprisons more than 100 Catholics. They are eventually released because of protests by foreign consuls.
1868 Apr.-May Signboards reappear proscribing the “Kirishitan” religion as heathen. Suppression of Urakami Christians recurs; 13 executed. Representatives of foreign governments present joint letter of protest. Signboards are ordered rewritten so as not to include Christianity among heathen religions.
Jul.10 114 Christians are exiled to three different domains.
1870 Jan. More than 3000 Urakami Christians arrested and exiled to 21 different domains.
1872 Jun.28 Five St. Maur Sisters arrive in Yokohama.
1873 Feb.24 Abolition of signboards proscribing Christianity (tacit approval of Christian evangelization).
Mar.14 Urakami Christians released.
1874 Nov.22 St. Joseph’s Church (with orphanage) dedicated in Tsukiji, Tokyo.
1875 Aug.15 St. Maur Sisters acquire 500 tsubo of land in the Tokyo foreign concession and build an orphanage for some 70 orphans.
1876 May 22 Vicariate apostolic of Japan divided into Northern and Southern vicariates. Bp. P. Osouf made vicar apostolic of the North, Bp. Petitjean put in charge of the South with Auxiliary Bp. J. Laucaigne.
Yamagami Takuju baptized.
1877 Jul. Seat of the Northern vicariate transferred from Yokohama to Tsukiji, Tokyo.
1879 Translations of the Bible and a daily prayerbook published.
1880 Bp. Petitjean transfers seat of the Southern vicariate from Osaka to Nagasaki.
Publication of “Compendium of the Words and Deeds of Jesus,” “Summary of Catholic Apologetics,” “Examination for Baptism,” and “Summary of Christian Doctrine.”
1881 May 1 First issue of the first Japanese Catholic monthly “Kokyo Mampo” [Catholic Bulletin] published (continues until AApr. 1885).
1882 Dec.31 Three Japanese priests ordained: the first since the re-opening of Japan.
1884 Oct.7 Bp. Petitjean dies and is succeeded by Bp. J. Cousin.
1885 Apr.11 Pope Leo XIII sends a personal letter to Emperor Meiji through Bp. Osouf.
1887 Dec.21 Two Marianist Brothers arrive in Yokohama.
1888 Mar.20 The Southern vicariate divided into Central (Osaka) and Southern (Nagasaki) vicariates. Fr. F. Midon ordained bishop for Osaka.
1889 Feb.10 New Constitution guarantees freedom of religion in Japan. Masses ofthanksgiving offered in churches throughout in Japan.
1890 Mar.2 First Synod of the church in Japan opens at Oura, Nagasaki (ends MMar. 29).
Decision made to reorganize the Japanese Church into 4 episcopal sees, thus establishing a national hierarchy.
1891 Feb. First edition of the magazine “Koe” published.v
Apr.17 Hakodate Diocese established.
Jun.15 Four dioceses established, Bp. Osouf made archbishop of Tokyo, Bp. Cousin bishop of Nagasaki, Bp. Midon bishop of Osaka, and Fr. A Berlioz made bishop of Hakodate.
1895 Apr.28 Second Synod opens in Tokyo at Tsukiji church (ends May 12).
1896 “Prayerbook” and “Catholic Catechism” published.
Christianity receives official government approval.
1904 Jan.27 Shikoku separated from Osaka Diocese and made a prefecture apostolic, with Msgr. J. Alvarez (Dominican) as first prefect apostolic.
1910 Jul.2 Raguet translation of New Testament published in Kagoshima and circulated as the semi-official Catholic translation.
1912 Aug.13 Niigata separated from Hakodate Diocese and made a prefecture apostolic, with Msgr. J. Reiners (Society of the Divine Word) as first prefect apostolic.
1914 Mar.17 Dedication of the new Urakami church.
1915 Feb.12 Sapporo separated from Hakodate Diocese and made a prefecture apostolic, with Msgr. W. Kinold (Franciscan) as first prefect apostolic.
1919 Sept.6 Agreement reached to establish formal relations between Japan and the Vatican.
1920 Mar.11 Archbp. P. Fumasoni-Biondi takes office as apostolic delegate to Japan.
1921 Mar. First edition of “Kokyo Seinen-Kai Kaiho” [Catholic Youth Society Bulletin] published.
1922 Feb.18 Nagoya separated from Tokyo Archdiocese and made a prefecture apostolic, with Msgr. Reiners as first prefect apostolic.
Mar.18 Archbp. M. Giardini takes office as apostolic delegate.
1923 Jan.1 “Kokyo Seinen-Kai Kaiho” renamed “Kokyo Seinen Jiho” [Catholic YouthReview].
May 1 “Kokyo Seinen Jiho” becomes “The Catholic Times” (later “The Japan Catholic Newspaper”).
May 4 Hiroshima separated from Osaka Diocese and made into a prefecture apostolic, with Archbp. H. Doering as the first prefect apostolic.
Aug. Fr. Nakamura Chohachi arrives in Brazil for the pastoral care of Japanese immigrants living there.
1924 Oct.5 The Bishops and Superiors of Religious Orders and Congregations hold a National Assembly to discuss the need for a native religious order or congregation.
Oct.19 The First National Catholic Lay Conference held. (The Association of Catholic Laity launched)
1925 May 4 The Sisters of the Visitation officially recognized by the Archbishop of Tokyo as a native religious congregation of women.
1926 Apr. The Tokyo Seminary opens.
1927 Mar.18 Kagoshima separated from Nagasaki Diocese and made a prefecture apostolic, with Msgr. E. Roy as the first prefect apostolic.
Jul.16 Fukuoka separated from Nagasaki Diocese and made into a diocese, with Bp. F. Thiry as the first ordinary.
Oct.30 Hayasaka Kyunosuke, the first native Japanese bishop, ordained in Rome.
1928 Jan.1 Archbp. J. A. Chambon installed as ordinary of Tokyo.
Apr.4 The Catholic Youth Organization transfers its office to Kojimachi Church.The publishing office of “The Catholic Times” also moved.
Apr.25 Bp. Hayasaka Kyunosuke installed as ordinary of Nagasaki.
Apr. Meeting of the Japanese Hierarchy.
Jun.3 The opening ceremony held for the newly constructed Catholic Youth Meeting Hall (Tokyo).
1929 Mar.30 The prefecture apostolic of Sapporo becomes a vicariate apostolic.
Oct.17 Opening of the Major Seminary in Tokyo.
1930 Apr.24 Fr. M. Kolbe arrives in Japan.
Dec.4 The Catholic Youth Conference disbands and its office turned over to the archdiocese of Tokyo. “The Catholic Times” becomes a publication of the Central Publishing Dept.
This year “The 26 Martyrs of Japan”, an oil painting by Okayama Seikyo, exhibited at the Religious Art Festival. Later donated to the Vatican.
1931 Jan.4 “The Catholic Times” becomes “The Japan Catholic Newspaper” issued as a weekly (Sunday edition).
Mar.27 Archbp. E. Mooney becomes the new apostolic delegate.
Jul.5 “The Japan Catholic Newspaper” becomes a four-page edition, costing 3 sen.
Sept.13 Japan’s first Catholic Boy Scout troop formed.
During this year, at the Nikkatsu Theater, Ikeda Tomiyasu’s film about the 26 martyrs (“I Overcome the World”) shown.
1932 Mar.31-Apr.1 Assembly of the Japanese Hierarchy.
May 5 Students of Sophia University refuse to offer reverence at Yasukuni Shrine.
Jun.11 The Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith (now the Congr. for theEvangelization of Peoples) gives official recognition to the Catholic Major Seminary of Tokyo as a regional seminary.
Sept.22 Archbp. Chambon submits a query to the minister of education as to whether the reverence at Shinto shrines is a religious act or not.
1933 Apr.19 Meeting of the Japanese Hierarchy.
Dec.20 Archbp. P. Marella installed as the fourth apostolic delegate to Japan.
1935 Jan.28 The Independent Mission of Miyazaki made a prefecture apostolic, with Msgr. V. Cimatti as the first prefect apostolic.
Apr.25-26 It is decided at a Meeting of the Japanese Hierarchy that Christians may show reverence at Shinto shrines. This decision based on a reply from the Ministry of Education stating that such reverence is merely an expression of patriotism and loyalty.
Sept. A revised version of the Catholic Catechism published.
1936 Mar.9 The diocese of Hakodate renamed the diocese of Sendai, with Bp. M. Lemieux as ordinary.
Apr.15-16 Meeting of the Japanese Hierarchy.
Nov. 9 Msgr. Yamaguchi Aijiro made administrator apostolic of Kagoshima. In September of the following year appointed ordinary of Nagasaki.
1937 Apr.7-8 Meeting of the Japanese Hierarchy.
Jun.17 Kyoto separated from Osaka Diocese and becomes a prefecture apostolic, with Msgr. P. Byrne as the first prefect apostolic.v
Jul. “The Japan Catholic Newspaper” established as a public company.
Sept.15 Msgr. Yamaguchi Aijiro appointed ordinary of Nagasaki. He is consecrated on Nov. 7 and also serves as ordinary of Kagoshima.
Nov.9 Yokohama separated from Tokyo Archdiocese and made into a diocese, with Archbp. J. A. Chambon as the first ordinary. The archdiocese of Tokyo committedto a Japanese.
1938 Feb.3 Msgr. Doi Tatsuo ordained archbishop of Tokyo.
Apr.26-28 Meeting of the Japanese Hierarchy.
May “The Japan Catholic Newspaper” printing office closed.
1939 Jan. 4 Urawa separated from Yokohama Diocese and made into a prefecture apostolic, with Msgr. A. Leblanc as the first prefect apostolic.
Apr.18-20 Meeting of the Japanese Hierarchy.
1940 Jan.24-25 Meeting of the Committee of the Japanese Hierarchy.
Apr.16-18 Meeting of the Japanese Hierarchy.
Apr. Rules governing the Federation of Religious are approved and implemented.
Jul. Msgr. Ideguchi Ichitaro appointed administrator apostolic of Kagoshima. (Concomitantly appointed administrator apostolic of Miyazaki Nov. 28.)
Sept.11-12 Autumn meeting of the Japanese Hierarchy.
Oct.8 Msgr. Ogihara Akira appointed administrator apostolic of Hiroshima.
Nov.25 Revised editions of the catechism and the prayer book are completed.
Dec.5 Msgr. Ideguchi Miyoichi appointed administrator apostolic of Yokohama.
Msgr. Toda Tatewaki appointed administrator apostolic of Sapporo.
Dec.8 Msgr. Furuya Yoshiyuki made prefect apostolic of Kyoto.
1941 Jan.14 Msgr. Matsuoka Magoshiro made prefect apostolic of Nagoya and serves concurrently as administrator apostolic of Niigata, becoming prefect apostolic in 1945.
Jan.20 Msgr. Urakawa Wasaburo made ordinary of Sendai and ordained bishop Jan. 18, 1942.
Jan.25 Msgr. Fukahori Sen’emon made ordinary of Fukuoka and ordained bishop May 28, 1944.
Mar.20 Fire destroys the Tokyo Major Seminary.
May 3 Based on the law on Religious Bodies, official approval given to Catholic Church as the “Nippon Tenshu Kokyo Kyodan” (The Japanese Catholic Religious Body) [hereafter, Nippon Katorikku Kyodan]. Its Secretariat to be known as the “General Administration Bureau” of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan and located in the chancery office of the archdiocese of Tokyo. Archbp. Doi Tatsuo is the first president.
Jun.3-5 The first general meeting of the new church organization.
Jun.11 First general business meeting of the new church organization.
Jul.20 Reduction in the size of “The Japan Catholic Newspaper” published onthe last Sunday of the month.
Jul.22-24 Study meeting concerning business procedures relating to the new church structure in Japan.
Aug.10 The Army General Staff Headquarters makes a request for a pacification delegation to the South Pacific, to be made up of 50 priests and 150 lay people.
Aug.11 Emergency meeting of the church organization to deal with the army’s request for a pacification delegation.
Aug.11 The Ministry of Education holds a meeting for the Organization Chairmen of all Religious Bodies (Proclamation of a joint resolution by the Shinto, Buddhist, and Christian Religious Bodies).
Aug.13 Emergency meeting of the councillors of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan. A Social Service Bureau established to deal with the new situation.
Aug.19 The Nippon Katorikku Kyodan, in keeping with the directives of the Ministry of Education, requests the laity to manifest their membership in the Church. In accordance with the position of the Catholic Church in Japan within the framework of the state of emergency, buildings belonging to the Church and religious orders made available for the use of the military.
Oct.19 The centralization of the Catholic publishing activities. “The Japan Catholic Newspaper” publishing office discontinued and an entity called the “Publishing Bureau of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan” established under the direct control of the Church Religious Body.
Nov. 25 Msgr. Taguchi Yoshigoro appointed bishop of Osaka and ordained on Dec. 14. Simultaneously appointed administrator apostolic of Shikoku.
Dec.23 Meeting of the Wartime Emergency Council of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan. Dec. 23 The Nippon Katorikku Kyodan holds a meeting of its Social Service Bureau, which is responsible for the immediate needs arising in the emergency period.
Dec.24 The Social Service Bureau requests that Christmas Midnight Mass be cancelled in all churches.
Dec.25 A prayer of petition for victory included in all Christmas Masses.
During this year, because the financial assets of Japan held in the U.S. are frozen, the number of foreign missionaries returning to their home countries from Japan increases.
1942 Feb.11 Second General Meeting of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan.
Feb.22 General Administration Bureau of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan instructs the parishes to send in a copy of their Church prospectus which will include particulars of registration of property and buildings.
Mar.24 The Cabinet nominates Harada Ken, councilor of the Japanese Embassy in France, as the first minister plenipotentiary to the Vatican.
Mar.25 Inauguration of the Medical Doctors Association of the Catholic Church in Japan.
Aug.10 First exchange of British and Japanese civilians carried out on ships at sea. A number of missionaries and women religious from countries involved in the war returned to their home countries.
Aug.28 Third meeting of the central committee of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan. During this year, the Department of the Navy requests the Church to dispatch Japanese priests to the islands of Indonesia.
1943 Apr.27-30 Plenary meeting of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan held to deal with the issues of evangelization and religious attire.
Apr.30 Archbp. Doi Tatsuo, head of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan, the ordinaries of each diocese, and the superiors of religious congregations pay their respects at Meiji Shrine and Yasukuni Shrine.
Jun.1 Opening of the first training session for priests of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan.
Aug.10 Again the Army requests a religious pacification delegation to be sent to Indonesia. (The delegation includes Bp. Yamaguchi Aijiro of Nagasaki, and Msgr. Ogihara Akira of Hiroshima.)
Sept.15 The second exchange of civilians at sea (Japanese and Americans).
Sept.26 The distribution of the “Wartime Policy on the Activity of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan”.
Nov.18-19 Extraordinary plenary meeting of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan.
Nov.20 In keeping with the edict on the amalgamation of enterprises, the Kyosei Co., the Komyo Co., the Seiko Co., the Ou-a Shobo Co., and the Seibo no Kishi Co., Tenshu-Kokyo Shuppan Co. combined under the newly established Chuo Shuppan Co.
From this time on, bread and wine for the celebration of Mass become scarce. Altar breads made from cassava flour and wine comes from the S.V.D. winery in Tajimi.
1944 Jan.2 “The Japan Catholic Newspaper” reduced to publication on alternate Sundays.
Apr.19-21 Plenary session of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan general administration to discuss the government order mobilizing priests and monks of all denominations into the work force.
Apr. Priests and monks under forty-five years of age drafted into the work force.
Jun.1 The appointment of Fr. Shimura Tatsuya as head of the General Affairs Office of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan.
Jun.15 The General Administration Bureau of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan sends out a circular dealing with the way priests and religious may dress.
Jul. The transfer of the offices of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan to Ichigaya Tamachi (Ushigome-Ku, Tokyo).
Jul.8 Representatives of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan visit Ise Shrine, Meiji Shrine, and Yasukuni Shrine to pay their respects.
Jul.16 Petitions for ultimate victory made in churches, monasteries, and convents of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan.
Aug.3 Msgr. Toda Tatewaki appointed administrator apostolic of Yokohama.
Aug.5 Archbp. Doi Tatsuo broadcasts an announcement concerning the desecration of the bodies of the war dead.
Aug.12 The General Administration Bureau of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan holds an emergency meeting to discuss the desecration of the bodies of the American war dead.
Oct. 2 The Nippon Katorikku Kyodan asks churches to cooperate in the collection of platinum articles.
Oct. 22 Msgr. Seno Isamu appointed administrator apostolic of Sapporo and simultaneously appointed administrator apostolic of Sakhalin.
Oct. 22 Notification from the Vice-Minister of Education to the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan that there is to be a special and thorough collection of platinum articles.
Nov.3 Meetings of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan Central and Regional Councils.
Nov.17 Notification from the Vice-Minister of Education to the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan concerning the method of collecting silver articles.
Nov.26 Archbp. Doi Tatsuo, head of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan, visits the imperial palace to inquire after the emperor’s health (following the first bombing of Tokyo).
This year the General Administration Bureau of the Nippon Katorikku Kyodan draws up a formula to be used when petitioning exemption from compulsory labor. Members of the Bureau are also sent to console and encourage those working in the factories.


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