“Magis” (pronounced mah-jis) in Latin means “more.” In some contexts it can mean “the even more” – the furthest frontier – frontiers of reason, knowledge, the universe, and reality itself.

Our Mission: To explore and share the close connection between reason and faith as revealed by new discoveries in physics and philosophy.

MCRF’S GOAL: To bring to light all current developments in faith and reason through multiple vehicles of communication, such as, new media, on-line lecture series and college courses, documentaries, high school curricula, adult ed programs, videocasts, podcasts, books, articles, fact sheets, and on-line encyclopedias.

Is There Really Evidence for God from Physics?

In the last ten to fifteen years, implications of transcendence in physics, philosophy of mathematics, and metaphysics have become more pronounced. Indeed, no other decade in history has revealed more or better evidence for God. So, what is this evidence?

In physics, there are several recent, major discoveries pointing to a beginning and creation of the universe by a transcendent source. Three discoveries are very significant here:

1. The likelihood that our universe is inflationary.
As will be explained in the website, the classical Big Bang model did not account for a hyper accelerating initial moment of the universe. Alan Guth theorized that such a moment would solve a large number of unanswered questions and problems in the classical model. Most astrophysicists and cosmologists today believe that our universe had an inflationary period, which is important because all inflationary model universes, according to the Borde-Guth-Vilenkin theorem, have a beginning of past time which implies a creation.

2. The strong implication that inflationary universes have a beginning of time.

3. The extremely high improbability that our universe would be able to sustain any kind of life form without extraordinarily complex fine-tuning.
As will be explained in the website, a constant is a fixed quantity which gives quantitative parameters to the equations of physics (for example Planck’s constant, h, the speed of light constant, c, the gravitational constant, G, the weak force constant, gw, the strong force constant, gs, etc.)These fixed quantities govern the laws of physics, and determine what kind of universe will result from an initial singularity. These constants are necessary so that the laws of physics will be consistent over the course of time, which is needed for any evolutionary process (if the laws of physics changed every few moments, evolutionary processes would be impossible). The fact that there are any constants at all is truly remarkable, and the fact that these constants have values which will allow for a universe capable of sustaining any life form is even more remarkable. Indeed, it is exceedingly, exceedingly improbable. This exceedingly high improbability has been articulated by Roger Penrose, Brandon Carter, William Fowler, Fred Hoyle, Paul Davies, and many others between 1988 to 2005.


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